Have you ever gotten lost on purpose?
I was fortunate enough to work in Ireland for nearly two years (humble brag) and was able to take weekend trips to many different cities in western and central Europe, where I found getting lost and walking through a city aimlessly was an exciting and effective way to absorb the culture and ambiance of a place.
What were your first seven jobs?
Grocery store bag boy; calculus tutor; construction installing cedar shingle siding; architectural intern and Outback Steakhouse server nights and weekends to pay off loans; Architect; 7th - TBD
What's your favorite season?
Fall – Birthday, Halloween, Thanksgiving, baseball playoffs, football season, and of course, the fleeting, crisp New England weather. Easy answer.
What's the best live music show you've seen?
I was right up front at a Black Keys concert in Hartford with my mom, and that was a very memorable show. I also saw Jay-z and Eminem in New York, which were two bucket list artists at once.
What do you do when you're at a dinner party and the conversation gets awkward?
Quickly transition to sports talk. If offseason, avoid eye contact while backing out of the room, then run.
What is your favorite productivity tool?
I rely on my calendar app and OneNote for all my to-do lists, big and small, even outside of work. I consider myself quite an organized person and I do think writing your goals down is a habit that yields successful results because it creates a reference point to consistently measure your priorities against in order to keep your efforts focused in the right direction.