
Nadeen Abouzahra
Program Administrator

Nadeen Abouzahra
  • Boston University

What's your spirit animal?

Snooki from Jersey Shore. I would really love to queen out with her.

What advice would you give to your ten year old self?

One day I read The Carrying by Ada Limon and there was a line that really stuck with me, "I drive home on the other side of the road, going south now. The white coat has said I'm ready, and I watch as a vulture crosses over me, heading toward the carcasses I haven't properly mourned or even forgiven. What if, instead of carrying a child, I am supposed to carry grief?" As time went on, I learned my grief was all the love I wanted to give, but felt I couldn't and decided why hold on to it when I can choose to let it go. Things will not always feel as heavy and earth shattering as they do in the moment, time and good friends can heal almost anything.

In a parallel universe, what is your profession?

I'm one of those people that have so many different interests and changed my major like four times in college. However, as a Bergie my passions lay in creative pursuits and ever since I was young, I've been super interested in fashion. What can I say I am JUST a girl! I think it would be incredibly fun to do something design/editorial related for a fashion publication.

What inspires you?


If you had one word to describe yourself, what would it be?
Reflective. I used to say I am a mirror that reflects the best parts of the people I love, a collection of love that people have shown me.

What does music look like?

I think I have minor synesthesia, so when I listen to certain albums, I do see colors! For instance, Immunity by Clairo is a peachy orange for me and Electra Heart by MARINA is a deep blue with magenta accents.