What motivated you to become a designer (or current role?)?
I wanted a profession that was somewhat recession proof. It was during my freshman year of high school that the economy tanked and I knew that I wanted to go to school (college) for something that could possibly withstand another downturn. Even a company going bankrupt needs an accounting person until the end.
When you are retired and look back on your life, what is the biggest accomplishment you hope to achieve?
To have raised two passionate, ethical and hardworking boys. To have instilled in them that hard work does pay off and anything you want in life is worth fighting for.
What does successful workplace culture mean to you?
It means not having to choose between your career and family. It means having the opportunity to spread your wings and branch out beyond your current role. It means having a voice and being given the opportunity for that voice to be heard. It’s knowing your colleagues genuinely care for one another and have each other’s backs. Leadership recognizing the importance of all levels of the organization, how it’s all need to run successfully.
What’s the most important part of your morning routine?
Getting the kids out the door to school and if we can make it on time - it’ll be a good day
U2 or Coldplay?
Beer or wine?
What was your first job?
The Gap… during high school (when it was cool to cinch it!)
Where do you go for a weekend getaway?
Newport, RI (any season works!)
What do you listen to while working?
Joe Nevin - I sit across from him
What do you do when you're at a dinner party and the conversation gets awkward?
Ask if anyone would like another cocktail!